Axis MF Balanced Advantage Fund February 2025 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of Axis Treasury Advtg Ret Mly IDCW

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 1009.6059
24-02-2025 1015.265
21-02-2025 1014.6751
20-02-2025 1014.4799
18-02-2025 1014.0305
17-02-2025 1013.878
14-02-2025 1013.3135
13-02-2025 1013.2203
12-02-2025 1012.9361
11-02-2025 1012.8127
10-02-2025 1012.6497
07-02-2025 1012.2451
06-02-2025 1012.2529
05-02-2025 1011.8619
04-02-2025 1011.3137
03-02-2025 1011.0637
31-01-2025 1010.3962
30-01-2025 1010.2171
29-01-2025 1010.0417
28-01-2025 1009.8063
27-01-2025 1009.6059
24-01-2025 1015.2104
23-01-2025 1015.0463
22-01-2025 1014.9375
21-01-2025 1014.7652
20-01-2025 1014.5678
17-01-2025 1013.9482
16-01-2025 1013.6353
15-01-2025 1013.1672
14-01-2025 1012.7257
13-01-2025 1012.7023
10-01-2025 1012.4914
09-01-2025 1012.305
08-01-2025 1012.1884
07-01-2025 1012.1738
06-01-2025 1012.0384
03-01-2025 1011.4464
02-01-2025 1011.297
01-01-2025 1011.1564
31-12-2024 1010.8435
30-12-2024 1010.365
27-12-2024 1009.8417
26-12-2024 1009.6059
24-12-2024 1014.5814
23-12-2024 1014.4934
20-12-2024 1014.0477
19-12-2024 1013.9597
18-12-2024 1013.9904
17-12-2024 1013.7769
16-12-2024 1013.5713
13-12-2024 1012.9808
12-12-2024 1012.9022
11-12-2024 1012.7892
10-12-2024 1012.7189
09-12-2024 1012.646
06-12-2024 1012.1113
05-12-2024 1011.9634
04-12-2024 1011.7042
03-12-2024 1011.4376
02-12-2024 1011.1887
30-11-2024 1010.4676
29-11-2024 1010.2817
28-11-2024 1009.9198
27-11-2024 1009.8943
26-11-2024 1009.7444
25-11-2024 1009.6059
22-11-2024 1015.0578
21-11-2024 1014.9203
19-11-2024 1014.6834
18-11-2024 1014.4543
14-11-2024 1013.7004
13-11-2024 1013.5005
12-11-2024 1013.3531
11-11-2024 1013.1048
08-11-2024 1012.5044
07-11-2024 1012.1889
06-11-2024 1011.8645
05-11-2024 1011.6865
04-11-2024 1011.5318
31-10-2024 1010.8331
30-10-2024 1010.5899
29-10-2024 1010.4066
28-10-2024 1010.0401
25-10-2024 1009.6059
24-10-2024 1016.0872
23-10-2024 1015.8779
22-10-2024 1015.5347
21-10-2024 1015.4972
18-10-2024 1015.0614
17-10-2024 1014.9802
16-10-2024 1014.7621
15-10-2024 1014.7511
14-10-2024 1014.6366
11-10-2024 1014.0378
10-10-2024 1013.438
09-10-2024 1013.2151
08-10-2024 1012.6643
07-10-2024 1012.3836
04-10-2024 1011.901
03-10-2024 1011.6838
01-10-2024 1011.2689
30-09-2024 1010.8294
27-09-2024 1010.0864
26-09-2024 1009.9401
25-09-2024 1009.6059
24-09-2024 1015.0953
23-09-2024 1014.9229
20-09-2024 1014.3419
19-09-2024 1014.0883
17-09-2024 1013.5135
16-09-2024 1013.3953
13-09-2024 1012.7939
12-09-2024 1012.4196
11-09-2024 1012.3024
10-09-2024 1012.0936
09-09-2024 1011.94
06-09-2024 1011.4709
05-09-2024 1011.3064
04-09-2024 1011.159
03-09-2024 1010.9398
02-09-2024 1010.7295
31-08-2024 1010.3764
30-08-2024 1010.1775
29-08-2024 1010.0791
28-08-2024 1009.9552
27-08-2024 1009.7615
26-08-2024 1009.6059
23-08-2024 1015.6217
22-08-2024 1015.3738
21-08-2024 1015.1255
20-08-2024 1014.9162
19-08-2024 1014.6512
16-08-2024 1014.0107
14-08-2024 1013.6515
13-08-2024 1013.5364
12-08-2024 1013.3443
09-08-2024 1012.7085
08-08-2024 1012.5539
07-08-2024 1012.3269
06-08-2024 1012.1561
05-08-2024 1012.0218
02-08-2024 1011.4678
01-08-2024 1011.2231
31-07-2024 1010.9107
30-07-2024 1010.8102
29-07-2024 1010.6675
26-07-2024 1010.0073
25-07-2024 1009.6059
24-07-2024 1015.8956
23-07-2024 1015.6633
22-07-2024 1015.4712
19-07-2024 1014.8641
18-07-2024 1014.6803
16-07-2024 1014.2664
15-07-2024 1014.0019
12-07-2024 1013.4338
11-07-2024 1013.198
10-07-2024 1012.8861
09-07-2024 1012.7174
08-07-2024 1012.5445
05-07-2024 1011.9312
04-07-2024 1011.7297
03-07-2024 1011.4454
02-07-2024 1011.1788
01-07-2024 1010.8289
28-06-2024 1010.1854
27-06-2024 1009.8662
26-06-2024 1009.7365
25-06-2024 1009.6059
24-06-2024 1014.9927
21-06-2024 1014.4424
20-06-2024 1014.2143
19-06-2024 1013.9805
18-06-2024 1013.7197
14-06-2024 1012.9095
13-06-2024 1012.7184
12-06-2024 1012.5169
11-06-2024 1012.3045
10-06-2024 1012.0348
07-06-2024 1011.3996
06-06-2024 1011.0866
05-06-2024 1010.7503
04-06-2024 1010.5644
03-06-2024 1010.8497
31-05-2024 1010.1021
30-05-2024 1009.9068
29-05-2024 1009.8011
28-05-2024 1009.6371
27-05-2024 1009.6059
24-05-2024 1015.4738
22-05-2024 1015.0661
21-05-2024 1014.7595
17-05-2024 1013.8545
16-05-2024 1013.7087
15-05-2024 1013.4932
14-05-2024 1013.2052
13-05-2024 1012.8481
10-05-2024 1012.2857
09-05-2024 1012.0775
08-05-2024 1011.9681
07-05-2024 1011.9213
06-05-2024 1011.7588
03-05-2024 1011.0861
02-05-2024 1010.8628
30-04-2024 1010.3863
29-04-2024 1010.2333
26-04-2024 1009.7803
25-04-2024 1009.6059
24-04-2024 1016.2585
23-04-2024 1016.1476
22-04-2024 1015.8919
19-04-2024 1015.2687
18-04-2024 1015.3155
16-04-2024 1014.9792
15-04-2024 1014.7985
12-04-2024 1014.1805
10-04-2024 1013.9436
08-04-2024 1013.2766
05-04-2024 1012.8205
04-04-2024 1012.4138
03-04-2024 1012.04
02-04-2024 1011.8026
31-03-2024 1011.1772
28-03-2024 1010.6029
27-03-2024 1009.6949
26-03-2024 1009.6059

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